Labs: First Week - Start Up
Project: RateMyDIY
Date: November 9, 2018
Individual Accomplishments:
The project we were assigned to work on during Labs is a web application to upload and review DIY projects. The idea is that people who enjoy working on DIY projects can share them with a community and receive feedback on their projects as well as reviews. I worked on building the initial structure of the components for the applications.I started with the Landing Page components and created three subcomponents to hold the categories of projects: Featured Projects, Popular Makers, Popular Reviewers which are containers for displaying projects, makers, and reviewers. These were pretty similar and only had a few differences in styling and data displayed. I also worked on adding the Search Bar component, the layout of the search page, and added a simple navigation to access the pages of the project.
It was challenging to work on the setting up the components without having a back-end to retrieve data once I was adding the redux actions and reducers. I only worked on front-end tasks this week as other team members were working on server tasks like authentication and setting up the routes and the server did not start on my machine because of environment issues. We also wasted a lot of time working on getting very specific tasks working like Auth0 authentication and setting up a MSSQL database locally that was not productive in helping us towards the Sprint objective.
Detailed Analysis
I worked on the components for displaying the projects and users in the landing page. The page is divided into three sections: featured projects, popular makers, and popular reviewers. I decided to break the page into three subcomponents so that they can be independent and retrieve data. Each component can retrieve data from the server to display the latest/best details to the user. I liked this approach because it separates the page into individual pieces that can be worked on and function independently. For example, if a use case arises to display the popular makers in another part of the web application, it would be possible to plug in that component. To build the components, I had to refresh my knowledge of Redux to create the corresponding actions and reducers and connect it to the Redux store.
Tasks Pulled:
Landing page
Search Bar
Search Page
Nav bar