
Qrafts is a web application to publish interesting DIY projects and review projects uploaded by other users

  • Utilized ReactJS and Redux on the frontend to build a responsive web application for viewing, creating, and reviewing DIY projects
  • Developed web APIs with NodeJS and Express that connected with a PostgreSQL database to retrieve data
  • Used Auth0 for authentication and AWS S3 for image storage
  • /Labs8-RateMyDIY
Qrafts landing page

Lambda Notes

Lambda Notes allows users to create, read, update, and delete notes in a web application

  • Built as part of Lambda School's project weeks for Front-End and Back-End course sections
  • Used React.js on the Front-End and Node that connects to a Web API built with Node.js and Express. Data persistance is done with a PostgreSQL database
  • Developed custom login functionality using JSON web tokens
  • /lambda-notes
Lambda Notes image


Micro is a marketplace for governments to make fully-compliant micro-purchases offered by the company Social Glass

  • Developed the user interface with HTML and CSS to build a fully responsive website that matches the UX specifications
  • Collaborated with a global, remote develoment and design team to build the marketplace in an agile environment
  • /micro-mvp
Micro platform image

Architecture Firm

Well-designed website for a sample architecture firm to showcase existing projects and services

  • Developed using HTML/CSS and pure Javascript to build web components
  • Completed MVP of website with the following pages: home, services, contact
  • Design file was provided and developed website to be pixel-perfect
  • /User-Interface-Project-Week
Architecture design sample image